Terms of Service

This is the web site of One Million Followers (“One Million Followers,” “we” or “us”). One Million Followers has created this privacy policy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy with respect to the Sites (as defined below), as well as services we provide to our clients (“Client Services”). This privacy policy explains our data collection and use practices for the Site and our Client Services. The Site provides information about the company, products, services and a means to contact One Million Followers. We can be reached via e-mail at support@brendanjkane.com or you can reach us by telephone at +1 844-872-9802


We may use cookies, log files and web beacons on the Sites and in Client Services. We often engage or cooperate with service and technology companies to collect this information and use it in Client Services. Cookies are small files that a Site transfers to the hard drive of a user’s computer for record-keeping purposes. Some cookies are “persistent” in that they remain on your hard drive until deleted. Other cookies are “temporary” in that they are removed when you leave the site or close your browsing session. Log files track actions occurring on websites and collect data including your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, click data and types of advertisements viewed. Web beacons are electronic files used to track your navigation of a website or collection of sites, the completion of transactions, submittal of applications and browsing behavior.


Non-Personally Identifiable Information.
Some non-PII may automatically be collected as you browse the Sites and use Client Services. Web servers we use may automatically collect information sometimes referred to as “clickstream data,” such as the domain name of the service providing you with Internet access, the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your browser type and version, operating system and platform, the average time spend on the Sites, pages viewed, information searched for, access times and other relevant statistics. We may use cookies, web beacons and log files to collect this information. Your Internet browser stores Client Services-related data as cookies in some cases as well. If you have cookies disabled, if you delete your cookies, or if other software deletes the cookies used for that data storage, such data is permanently lost because it is not retained separately by us.

Personally Identifiable Information.
In order to take advantage of certain features of the Sites and Client Services, we may ask you to provide your first name, last name, e-mail address or other information about yourself to help you use the Sites and Client Services (collectively, “PII”). You are not required to provide us with this information, but if you choose not to, you may not be able to participate in some of the activities on the Sites or Client Services. As part of our Client Services, we may collect information regarding what you post to social media, including public usernames, handles and identifiers, as well as any information publicly disclosed with those public usernames, handles and identifiers.

Information Collected from Other Sources.
We may license and otherwise obtain non-PII from various other companies, including research companies, data aggregation companies and other third party companies. Data sets may include information about you or your demographic segment that such companies have licensed, purchased or collected. We use this information for all the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, and for any other lawful purpose that we choose. Information Collected By Third Parties. Some of the services and advertisements included via the Site and our Client Services, as well as sites that the Client Services link to, are delivered or served by third-party companies. These companies may place or recognize cookies, web beacons, or other technology to track certain personal and non-PII about users. We do not have access, nor control over, third party use of cookies or other tracking technologies or how they may be used. You should check the applicable privacy polices of such third-party sites and services you visit to determine how they handle any information they collect from you.


Service Participation.
We may use the information we collect from you to allow you to participate in the Sites’ and Client Services’ activities for which the information is collected, including, but not limited to, to improve the content of the respective Sites and Client Services, to customize the content and/or layout of our page for each individual visitor, to notify users about updates to the Sites or Client Services and for our internal contact database purposes. In some cases, Client Services we develop may allow you to connect data you have already provided through another services (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter or Paypal) to such Client Services. When we develop this sort of connection, we do not locally store or process any of your data; rather, we connect the third-party service directly with the Client Service you are accessing, which is hosted through a third party with which we have no, or limited, contact. Some of our Client Services may provide e-commerce solutions that allow you to purchase goods and services online. Although we develop the means by which financial information may be collected from these services, we do not store or process any information from your financial transactions.

Statistical Analysis.
We may perform statistical, demographic and marketing analysis regarding users and their patterns in using the Sites and Client Services. We use this information for analytical purposes, the results of which we may offer in aggregated, anonymous form to our clients. We may use cookies in Client Services to estimate the total reach of an advertising campaign, control the delivery of certain content and generally improve your online experience with respect to the Site and the Client Services we provide.


Any communication or material you transmit to us by email or otherwise, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, or the like is, and will be treated as, non-confidential and nonproprietary. We may disclose such information to our clients and affiliates for commercial purposes.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may disclose information we collect as follows:
Within the Company. We may use information that we collect or that you provide internally, through One Million Followers or its parent, subsidiaries, successors, assigns or affiliates, which may change if we acquire, or are acquired by, another company.
To Third Parties. We may disclose your information to third parties (including our clients, technology partners, publishers and administrative service providers) for purposes elsewhere described in this policy, as well as research, data validation, aggregation, enhancement, verification, suppression, marketing, advertising and other lawful purposes in providing Client Services. Such information does not include PII unless you voluntarily provided it in a form that was expressly designated as part of a commercial survey or an online form. We do not take responsibility for any third-party entities referenced in this paragraph, which may have privacy policies different than this Privacy Policy.

As Required by Law.
We may disclose information we collect, including PII, to third parties as required or permitted by law. For example, we may disclose information: to regulators; and to law enforcement authorities pursuant to official requests; to service providers who perform legal compliance services for us.


By providing your email address to us, you expressly consent to receive emails. We may use email to communicate with you, to send information that you have requested or to send information about other products or services developed or provided by us or our clients; provided, however, that we will not give your email address to another party to promote their products or services directly to you.

CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. 
We will not send you marketing messages if you have opted out of them. You may opt out of email or other communication at any time by sending an email to support@brendanjkane.com We will not share, sell, rent, swap or authorize any third party to use your email address for commercial purposes without your permission.

Service-Related Email.
If you choose to sign up for a newsletter administered by One Million Followers, you may elect to sign up for third party mailings or announcements through the newsletter. Whether you choose to receive these mailings or announcements is your choice. If you choose to receive them from a specific source, you will receive commercial messages from independent third parties over whom we have no control and who each have their own privacy policies that you should review. You may typically remove your email address from these third party lists by following the instructions on emails that you receive. We do not take responsibility for third-party companies who contact you by email at your direction.


You may update information you provide us or ask for a copy of it by contacting us directly at support@brendanjkane.com.


COPPA Compliance. 
The Site is not intended for use by persons under the age of 13 and we do not employ advertising targeted towards children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly solicit or collect information from or about children under the age of 13. If you believe that your child has submitted PII to our Site and you would like to request that such information be deleted, you may do so by emailing support@brendanjkane.com. Further, in accordance with law, when a visitor files a complaint online and indicates an age under 13, no personally identifying information will be collected in conjunction with that submission. You can learn more about COPPA at the United States Federal Trade Commission Website: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/privacy-and-security/children%27s-privacy

California Privacy Rights.
Under the California “Shine the Light” law, California residents may opt-out of a company’s disclosure of PII to third parties for its direct marketing purposes. As detailed above, you may choose to opt-out of our sharing of your PII with third parties for marketing purposes at any time by submitting a request to us by email or phone. It is important to note that this opt-out does not prohibit disclosures made for non-marketing purposes.

Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Privacy Policy, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration administered by the JAMS Safe Harbor Program in accordance with its Commercial or other Arbitration Rules, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

The operator of the Sites is One Million Followers Inc. One Million Followers may find it appropriate or necessary, or may be legally obligated, to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we do, we will post those changes on this page and update the effective date (found at the bottom) so that you have a way to always become aware of the information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. For changes to this Privacy Policy that may be materially less restrictive on our use or disclosure of information you have already provided to us, we will attempt to obtain your consent (if we have the necessary contact information) before implementing such revisions with respect to such information, or notify you either by placing a prominent notice on the home page of our website or by directly sending you a notification. For all other changes, it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy frequently and remain informed about any changes to it, so we encourage you to visit this page often.


EFFECTIVE DATE: December 17th, 2018