Why Do I Train Every Single Member of My Team With This Scientific Communication Process?
Why Do I Train Every Single Member of My Team With This Scientific Communication Process?
The same reason NASA, Pixar & other iconic brands use it to inspire the hearts and minds of millions... who otherwise may have ignored their message
The same reason NASA, Pixar & other iconic brands use it to inspire the hearts and minds of millions... who otherwise may have ignored their message

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What your audience thinks, feels, and believes about the world informs what they buy, and what they don’t!
What if you could understand the “secret language” that motivates, inspires and connects with every single person in your audience?
By adding in a few words or key phrases your competition overlooks?
The Process Communication Model will show you how.
I want to give you the same tools that...
Pixar uses it to pack theatres with raving fans, raking in billions...
NASA uses to predict which astronauts are best suited to fly into space… then sends ‘em up!
And certain Presidents use to win the hearts of millions... and elections too!
Once you know the science of individualized communication styles revealed by PCM…
You’ll know in advance what to say, and how to say it, so your message is unforgettable...
Even to people who’ve said no to your offers in the past.
PCM tells you EXACTLY why, so you win your market over with every single piece of marketing content you put out there.
To thank you for investing in the Hook Pointbook today, I have a special invitation for you to join an exclusive PCM program with one of the best trainers in the world.
Jeff King has consulted with brands all over the world and has helped them connect more deeply with their audience to significantly increase revenue. He agreed to do a training for you to help you begin to speak the language of PCM as soon as today.

When you join Jeff & I for this exclusive program Connecting at Scale, here’s what you’ll receive:
The basic PCM concepts with examples of specific ads, innovators, movies and celebrities that connect with, motivate and inspire a large number of people and consumers.
The communication style that connects with the largest segment of the population.
A science backed process to understand exactly why people say YES to your products and services, and how to inspire the 90% of people who have already said no to reconsider
How to apply the writing secrets Pixar uses to pack out theatres and rake in $680 a film… PCM can help you can rise to the top of your industry using this same technique! PCM will help you motivate each member of your team, create a deeper connection with each other, and resolve conflicts faster. Do you want that?
I Can’t Wait to See How Fast Your Sales Surge When You Connect at Scale

What is the Process Communication Model (PCM)?

The six different ways that people perceive the world: Thoughts, feelings, values, reactions, inactions, and actions

How Pixar uses PCM to drive box office revenue

How PCM helped Dr. Terry McGuire select astronauts for NASA

How Bill Clinton used PCM to win the presidential election

How communicating effectively can help us solve the world's most challenging problems

The golden rule of effective communication

How to apply PCM to marketing

How to use PCM to select an influencer or cast a commerical

Dollar shave club: The strategy that gets people to share your content

The value of leveraging PCM for CEOs, start-ups, and large organizations: How to save time, motivate your team, and improve your sales

Leonardo Dicaprio and Tom Cruise: The personality type that generates box office revenue

Two reasons that some people never see eye to eye

One reason Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 Presidential Election

Why what you say doesn't always matter: How Trump's communication style helped him win the election

How non-profit organizations can reposition messages to save the planet

How the PCM helps school districts communicate more effectively with parents
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Total Value: $989.00
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Just $96
These Iconic Brands Endorse & Use PCM to Achieve Their Goals
"Better understanding of self (own behavior & others). Increased ability to manage relationships outside of work. Ability to resolve conflicts with more skill and aptitude."
Vaughan Blackman

"My PCM experience was hugely useful in helping me manage the film making journey over six years. It’s been such a valuable tool!"
Katherine Sarafian

“PCM, both within NASA and within daily activities, has become for me like McGyver’s Swiss army knife, always with me and endlessly useful.”
Dr. Terry McGuire

My team and I are here to support you, and we’re giving you the best strategies we use ourselves day in and day out as we reach and inspire millions of people into action.
After you watch these videos a few times we believe you’ll be able to…
Create an instant emotional bond with each person in your audience
Open up your market so you can double or triple your sales, without any extra advertising spend
Build relationships with top business leaders or influencers who are a good fit to endorse your business
Increase all of your conversions - from emails, ads, sales pages and more
Stand out and become the stand out brand in any market, no matter how competitive
Every step is broken down for you so you know exactly what you need to do to begin growing your audience straight away, and the best bit is that you can get started immediately.
Like Them Or Not, Here’s a Few More Brands Who Swear By PCM!

I want to make sure you get the most value out of this course, and maximize your results from it…
So I asked Jeff to put together a special bonus video series for you analyzing some of the world’s most successful people through a PCM lens.
When you grab your copy of the Connecting at Scale Program you’ll receive this special video series bonus, Iconic Communication Secrets.
In Iconic Communication Secrets Jeff will break down the following (and more:)
Why do people feel so emotionally connected to Michelle Obama that she owns every stage she walks onto, and has the #1 bestselling memoir of all time?
The secret behind the rise of digital media mogul Gary V
Why you either love or hate Richard Branson, and why no matter how you feel, he still turns everything he touches into gold
The Mark Cuban effect: Why Mark’s the most sought after investor on Shark Tank, and how his personality set him up for legendary, billion dollar success
How Sarah Blakely went from barely selling a fax machine… to the Spanx Founder worth $1 Billion
Laurie Greiner: Is it the QVC connection? Or some other reason she’s the most loved Shark...

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My promise to you:
Jeff is a top trainer in PCM, but more than that, he’s a trusted friend of mine who I hired to train my entire team, so they know how to inspire more people with our message.
I understand that most entrepreneurs would choose to overlook a communications training. They have other important things to do with their time. What I’ve come to learn is that taking the small actions others don’t have time to take, can make or break a brand.
Jeff and I put this program together to give you the small little edge that will add up to huge wins in your market.
We believe this is the best tool to inspire millions of people to feel deeply moved by, and connected to your message, which skyrockets your sales without a whole lot of extra effort.
That said, if you purchase your copy of Connecting at Scale and don’t feel satisfied for any reason…
Just write to my team at support@hookpoint.com within 30 days and we’ll give you your $99 back, no questions asked!

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